Today is The cinnamon buns day here in Sweden, a day of great importance:-). My husband did bake these delicious buns even if I think there are to many weird things that shall have its own day. He got them very round and professional (mine are always rough). I like roundels.
Wood figures
Speaking of saving boxes, I have some old bank brochures/papers from the 60´s with wonderful illustrations. The banks must have been so much more fun to visit back then. With nice interior design, papers like this, fun savingboxes and leather armchairs. Nowadays you never have to go to a bank anymore so no wonder that they look so boring.
A good day yesterday. I found some really nice old children´s books at Myrornas and this wonderful old saving box.
I forgot my camera today so I had to use my lousy mobile phone. Anyway, here are two old cookbook covers I have at work. I´m going into a meeting soon. I will start bike in time so I can stop by some second hand stores as usual. Feels long-ago now:-)
I remember I made a post this spring where I wrote that everything was so crispy green. It´s still green and I´m enjoying the last days before all leaves have turned into red. Which also is beautiful and I look forward to do a post with autumn colors.
Details from my home and the two at the bottom are my own designs; Boobinders and detail from the rollerblind.