I found this wonderful little thing in a second hand store yesterday. I wonder what it is; a piece from a boardgame, a giveaway from the dentist (I think it looks like a tooth) or something useful?
Today we had snowy/rainy weather again. The little chef has to wait a while before he can really enjoy the barbecue season. I can sit and wait in my new vintage armchair. I´ve put a bowl with candy on the footstool to attract my colleagues to sit beside my worktable and chat.
Yesterday I went into town to get my dance band portraits from the exhibiton that now is closed. Then I went to Sivletto for the first time, a WONDERFUL store with vintage stuff, furniture and clothes from the 50´s. My friend Linda and I tried the same dress on and since she work at a publishing house (where my children´s book are published) we said that we will wear our dresses next time they have a party :-). Before Sivletto I passed by a really nice second hand store (at Folkungagatan near Erstagatan, don´t know the name) where I found the singles with booklet.
I went out to the Mariefred region yesterday and visited several fleamarkets with my nice neighbour Åsa, who is a real fleamarket pro. I´ll upload my findings tomorrow.
My dear sister-in-law sent this mobile pic to me from a fleamarket asking if she should get them. I said yes.