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second hand


Really nice day

Yesterday I went into town to get my dance band portraits from the exhibiton that now is closed. Then I went to Sivletto for the first time, a WONDERFUL store with vintage stuff, furniture and clothes from the 50´s. My friend Linda and I tried the same dress on and since she work at a publishing house (where my children´s book are published) we said that we will wear our dresses next time they have a party :-). Before Sivletto I passed by a really nice second hand store (at Folkungagatan near Erstagatan, don´t know the name) where I found the singles with booklet.


Flea market Saturday

I went out to the Mariefred region yesterday and visited several fleamarkets with my nice neighbour Åsa, who is a real fleamarket pro. I´ll upload my findings tomorrow.


Nice old book

I often remind the kids that I grew up without computer. We didn´t even have a video recorder. When my kids want to see, hear, know anything they go to YouTube, Spotify, Google. That is such a huge difference from my childhood and I wonder what impact that has on the next generation (I know I sound like an old grandma). We had to fill our spare time with other stuff and we pottered a lot. Today I found this old ”Idea-book for children”. My kids are too old but I get inspired by it. I guess it reminds me of my childhood.


Easter pics

It is more winter in the archipelago than in town. But easter was sunny so soon the snow will be gone there as well. I long for summer holiday SO much when I´m out there. The eggs are supposed to be my sister-in-law and my husband. She is in the bottom pic aswell if you want to check the resemblance.