We went back to Kärrtorp and had sushi for lunch yesterday. The owners´son had made some beautiful origami pieces. I guess you recognize Joda? After lunch we went to a second hand store. I didn´t buy anything but saw some nice book covers.
Speaking of Aardman (last post) we are going to London next week, my family and I. We are going to visit the Science Museum because of a Wallace and Gromit exhibition for example. It is a trip with and for the children so I will have to swallow my own needs but I hope that I will get an hour free some day to pop in to some book or design store.
…makes a lot of reference copies. I went by my old studio the other day, Stockholm Illustration, because I still had stuff there that I had to pick up. Most of the work shown in this post are at least ten years old and both my assignments and style have changed a bit. I used to work a lot with daily papers and magazines before and today it is more product and design assignments.
And I found some old cards from another former studio colleague, Tomas Andreasson. If I remember right I posed as farmers´girl on the card up right. We shared studio BEFORE COMPUTERS AND INTERNET so you couldn´t just google images back then.
Today I´ve had this blog for one year and it has been one of the best things I´ve done in a professional view, not a moment to soon. It´s so fun to show work and things that inspire me. And I don´t have to feel guilty when I go to second hand stores all the time; it´s for my blogs´sake! Thanks to all of you who have left me nice comments.