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Books, Children's

Work in progress

I´m working on a b/w children´s book (9-11 year-old) for Rabén & Sjögren that my husband has written. It takes place in a suburb so I´ve been out taking photos and will do it in a collage style. It´s differnet from how I usually work so it´s quite a challenge but I think it will fit the target group.


First Advent

First Advent and time to bring out the Christmas stuff. This year I´ve found nice things at different flea markets. At the Christmas fair at my boys school I bought the two things on top that the schoolkids had done. I love the little vintage plate with a candle holder stuck on it.

All work, People

Big mail out

More work for the Swedish Post. This is a paper bag where you shall put all your Christmas cards toghether and put it in the mail before a certain date. It goes out to all Swedish households.