Browsing Tag



And the winners are..

OK, I changed my mind. I got so overwhelmed by all the nice comments so I decided to give it all away  (and as I said before, I would like to do 60 packages but that would be a bit too expensive).

Here are the winners:

Tree poster – Med nål och tråd

2-D puzzle – Gabor SZ

Cut-out game – Anya

Book – Rebecca

ABC poster – Charlie&Lisa

So e-mail me so I can go to the post-office next week. And thank you all again so much. The 2D-puzzle was the most popular one, I´ll let you know when I know where to get it.

All work

A quick pug image

I met a pug on the evening walk with the dog yesterday and I just had to do a drawing when I came home. They do look a bit funny. No offence, all you pug-owners out there.