Everytime I see my products in a magazine or newspaper I get childishly happy. You can buy these ones at Barnvänligt.
2D puzzle
Now I know some places where to buy the puzzle. Modelmini has it for example.
And here are some more:
And then I know that several sites and shops in other countries will have it eventually, this one for example: www.psikhouvanjou.nl.
…I REALLY need to clean the studio window. But if you pass, please come in and buy the puzzle:-).
…my 2D puzzle has arrived. The wholesaler is OMMDesign. I´ll get back when I know where they are going to be sold.
2-D puzzle that will be done during March.
A cut-out game, two sheets of paper so that you can do your own box.
My exhibition-book with 142 portraits.
A 50×70 poster
Inspired by Deborah I also wanted to celebrate! I realized that I´ve done 600 posts today since the start in October 2008 and I´m so glad I started my blog, it´s inspiring to have a place to show things I like and my own work. And to get comments from you nice people. Next project is to start some kind of web shop later this year and to produce products for that. This is what I got right now so choose something and leave a comment. I´ll put all the names in a hat next Friday and pick a name. Then you can e-mail me your adress and I will make a package.