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A sad day

I normally never write about what happens in the world, but today it would feel wrong not to say that all my thoughts goes to Norway after the terrible attacks.


And the winners are…

As I said before, I was overwhelmed by all the nice comments so I decided to pick three names who all get the big package (left on the image at the bottom). And then a consolation prize for five people (the names right on the image). You can choose between the book or dishcloths (I don´t have so many towels left).

And the three winners are….

Leah, Tineke and Lotten.

And the five who can choose: brie, Claudia Coppen, JenMeister, Daniel and Jennieyo.

Please e-mail me your adresses ( And your choises if you are among the five.

And again THANK YOU. I hope I will manage to do another 1 000 posts. 991 to go…