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Back from two weeks in Krabi, Thailand. It was lovely, warm and relaxing and what hits me when I´m back is that it is so DARK in Sweden this time of year. I want it to be spring…


Merry Christmas

You might have understood that I´v been working quite a lot this fall. Therefore I´m now taking a two-three week long blogbreak and I´m leaving the country for some sun. If any thieves might checking out this blog, I have to inform you that a family is moving into my house to take care of my dog so there is no use stopping by. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL OF YOU WHO MAKE ME SO HAPPY BY VISITING/COMMENTING  MY SITE.


By the way

I´m going out to the countryside for a couple of days. It won´t be like this but still nice. Have a nice weekend and see you on Monday!