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Old board games

OK, I forgot again; I´m also a collector of old board games. I get very inspired by the old boxes and I do let my sons play with them. If they are careful…


Visiting Nacho

A couple of weeks ago, me and some friends from Stockholm Illustration went to see swedish/spanish illustrator Nacho Tatjer in his studio in Hägersten. It was very inspiring to see how and where he works and wherever you looked there were small pieces of art. Here you can see what he does: (Photo: Janette Bornmarker)

All work, Inspiration

A lovely book cover

Today I found this old book at Myrorna, a second hand shop at Hornsgatan in Stockholm. It´s good that I don´t work in town anymore, I can´t go by an antiquarian bookshop or second hand shop without going in.