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More old stuff

I sometimes dream about how wonderful it must have been doing grocery shopping about 50 years ago. This old package for cookies I found this summer in a second hand shop. You can turn the top and different animals appear.


Visiting Lotta Glave

Today I had lunch with illustrator/designer Lotta Glave in her (and her husband´s) store at Norrtullsgatan 3 in Stockholm. It seems so nice to have your own store, especially when you produce so nice things as this talented couple do. See what they do here.


Pics from today

Up left: Two figurines from Myrorna (I didn´t buy them but liked them). Up right: Detail from an old children´s book I bought. Down left: Don´t really know what it is, but I found it in a japanese store. Down right: Small plate from Myrornas.


Zingo pirates

When I passed Mariatorget the other day I ran into a small fleamarket. A good one where they sell nice things, I´ve seen them before. This time I found some old drink mats.