I´m back from the weekend in the country house. It was lovely to wipe out all the dust bunnies and see old my old stuff again. The little red house is were you end up if you take the boat from Stockholm city and the painting is made by artist Ylva Ekman who lives in the village.
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Stuff from a very good flea market race last year out where we have the country house.
Tablecloth design is mine. I did it 10 years ago and sold it at Designtorget.
In my calender it is the World Book Day today. Here´s my collection of old small Pixi-books. I love them, they are really small and cheap, a good idea.
I had a lovely weekend in Mörtfors/Småland. Very inspiring.
We went to several flea markets. I bought the little donkey, wonderful children´s books and coffe cups. Lena had a good day and filled the luggage space. I warmly recommend Tre Århundraden in Berga, an antique store and café.
And some pics from the village and Lena and Jakobs studio.