Finally I had a reason to bike into town today so I could check out my second hand stores. I didn´t buy the book The garden as a hobby because of its content as you have understood by now, but for its cover. And another tray to add to my tray collection. Primus the dog was very interested.
Things in my box called Collage- and nice stuff.
I´m cleaning out some photos from my computer so here comes the very last pics from the flea market tour.
A nice little box I bought at Liljevalchs a while ago. And it was before I bought the dog. Maybe it was my subconsciousness that sent me a message.
I bought several Husmoderns Köksalmanacka (housewife calendar) from the 50´s and the 60´s when I was out with Nilla on the flea market weekend. I have to say that I don´t agree with the values from the 50´s where the woman were a houswife but I love these books. All the women look so perfect but you keep having Julianne Moore in The Hours in mind. I buy them for the illustrations. But you should see my rhubarb pie that was done by nine this morning (it´s only becuse my puppy wakes up so early and my parents are coming over).
A little inteview with me here.