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Second hand findings


Finally I had a reason to bike into town today so I could check out my second hand stores. I didn´t buy the book The garden as a hobby because of its content as you have understood by now, but for its cover. And another tray to add to my tray collection. Primus the dog was very interested.




A nice little box I bought at Liljevalchs a while ago. And it was before I bought the dog. Maybe it was my subconsciousness that sent me a message.


Husmodern 1952


I bought several Husmoderns Köksalmanacka (housewife calendar) from the 50´s and the 60´s when I was out with Nilla on the flea market weekend. I have to say that I don´t agree with the values from the 50´s where the woman were a houswife but I love these books. All the women look so perfect but you keep having Julianne Moore in The Hours in mind. I buy them for the illustrations. But you should see my rhubarb pie that was done by nine this morning (it´s only becuse my puppy wakes up so early and my parents are coming over).

A little inteview with me here.