Platters from different flea markets.
Details from the bookshelf in my workroom and from the summerhouse.
I´m going out to the summerhouse this weekend to close it for this time. I love this period when the summer isn´t really over and autumn hasn´t started. The evenings are getting darker and when you are out in the archipelago you can really see all the stars. We have an astronomic telescope there so hopefully we can get a good look of the moon. And the Swedish austronaut Christer Fuglesang who is spacewalking up at ISS.
Details from teaching materiel from the 60´s.
Speaking of wedding; some images from inside the book I showed yesterday.
Some images from an old children´s book; Merry Cherry with drawings by Ib Antoni that I found in Copenhagen many years ago. One of the colours is gold and it looks wonderful. I´m working on some cards right now that are going to be silkscreened. I hope one of the colours could be gold.