Today I went to a fantastic place; Nostalgipalatset (Nostalgia palace). I have never seen so many vinyl records in such an exemplary order before. I could have stayed there for hours but didn´t have enough time so I just grabbed some records in panic. Here they are. I will definitely go back.
..with nice cover design. I have more but couldn´t find them today.
I´m slowly learning how to post films. Here is one.
Here are some more images from my Penrose Annuals I have written about before. Since it is the big book day tomorrow when they will announce the Nobelprize winner I wanted to post some nice old book covers. But I didn´t have my old crime books here so I´ll do that tomorrow. Here are some nice spreads from children´s books instead.
Speaking of saving boxes, I have some old bank brochures/papers from the 60´s with wonderful illustrations. The banks must have been so much more fun to visit back then. With nice interior design, papers like this, fun savingboxes and leather armchairs. Nowadays you never have to go to a bank anymore so no wonder that they look so boring.