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My youngest son is practicing handwriting. I remember I loved writing letters until they looked (in my opinion) perfect when I was a child. My husband think that is so geeky. And I still love letters.

Illustrations by Inger and Lasse Sandberg and Stig Lindberg.


Childhood memories/2

I had things to do in town today and as always I plan so I have time to go to second hand stores. My plate collection is growing, today I found this nice one. And this Agaton Sax-book brought back memories. Agaton Sax was also animated cartoon when I was a child.


Vive la France

Cattis brought this wonderful book to work the other day. It is so nice, both because of the illustrations and because it lives a little gallophile in me. My husband and I fantasize about how it will be when the kids have moved out; how we sell the house and move to a little place in Provence. My picture of it is very clichéd but ever since I saw Jean de Florette and lived a year in France, I love it.


Childhood memories

I sometimes wonder how you get the taste and style that you have; all the images, children’s programmes etc that you saw as a child, they must be part of how you express yourself as an adult, don´t you think?

I fablernas värld, I loved this programme when I was a child.