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Waldemar Sjölander

I grew up wit a lot of Waldemar Sjölander (read more here if you understand Swedish) on the walls. My dad knew him from Gothenburg when they were young and he has written a book about him. I was 13 when I traveled with my dad and visited his home and studio in Mexico City (I was a bit too young for this adventure, beeing more interested in getting a tan on the roof than study his sculptures). My dad is thinking of what to do with his collection so I went out today to note down my favorites. Some images are details and it is lithographs, pen-and-ink drawings and gouaches. I love them.

I just realized that I have only uploaded women, he did work with other motifs aswell.


An orange post

I like orange and brown as you may have understood so I had to buy the bag on top from Kattching, a web shop where you can buy stuff done by vintage fabrics. The rest is just orange details from my home and old children´s books.

Inspiration, Wood figures

Inspired by train

Two prepared wood blocks (I really feel like painting after my little break), a train poster that will be for sale soon, images from CHOO-CHOO the Little Switch Engine and a little train film that I found on Youtube. I love train stations and after my wood block project I feel I have to so something that has to do with trains.