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Guess what? I managed to sneak away half an hour from the class trip (we were several parents so I´m not irresponsible:-) and found TWO second hand stores in the small town where we were.


Wanjas vardagsrum

After the vernissage I went by Wanjas vardagsrum, a second hand store at Södermalm in Stockholm. Lots of nice things but since I´m hooked on wooden stuff right now I brought home a cat and an egg-cup (pic at the bottom). I got the plate from my mother who lives around the corner from the store.


Nice cover

I love this series of covers made in the sixties . I have some but this one was a bit too expensive. You´ll find it at the wonderful stationery shop S:t Pauls Bok och Pappershandel.


Small fleamarket

Yesterday when I went to the store it was a small fleamarket outside, kids selling stuff to finance their class trip. Someone must have had a granny who left thing to them because they had great old stuff. I already have the Bingo board game but you can´t leave without it when it costs two dollars.


A tooth?

I found this wonderful little thing in a second hand store yesterday. I wonder what it is; a piece from a boardgame, a giveaway from the dentist (I think it looks like a tooth) or something useful?