I envie all healthy parents that bring the kids out into the forest for mushrooming these bright and beautiful latesummer days. I have never been like that and the only time my kids been out mushrooming was with their grandmother. They got lost and cried until they found their way out. But I do know that if the mushroom is red with white dots you shall not eat it (this one was not found in the forest but in the parc outside my studio).
Children's, Posters
Vi skal på svampetur næste søndag. Det er med en kvindeklub her i vores by, og vores børn skal med. Det glæder jeg mig til. Jeg har lært, at den hvide fluesvamp er endnu mere giftig end den røde!
Så flot den plakat med svampene. Er den til salg?
Ljuvlig plansch – säljer du sådana – om inte börja med det? Vi vill ha !
I’ve always drawn mushrooms red with white spots but I’ve never actually seen a real one like it!
Love the ”virrvarr”-pattern. Nicely done!
Super cute! I can feel autumn, when I see this beautiful illustration! Please make posters of this….